Categories for Ammo
12 ga
$66.00 – $620.00BoxProfessional grade ammunitions made to exacting standards to emulate combat rounds.
300 BLK
$98.00 – $940.00BoxProfessional grade ammunitions made to exacting standards to emulate combat rounds.
$72.00 – $680.00BoxProfessional grade ammunitions made to exacting standards to emulate combat rounds.
6.5 CM
$148.00 – $1,440.00BoxProfessional grade ammunitions made to exacting standards to emulate combat rounds.
7.62 NATO
$88.00 – $820.00BoxProfessional grade ammunitions made to exacting standards to emulate combat rounds.
7.62 Short
$39.00 – $350.00BoxProfessional grade ammunitions made to exacting standards to emulate combat rounds.
$33.00 – $310.00BoxProfessional grade ammunitions made to exacting standards to emulate combat rounds.
12 ga
$122.00 – $1,140.00BoxTactical grade ammunition produced for standard military and law enforcement operations.
300 BLK
$107.00 – $1,030.00BoxTactical grade ammunition produced for standard military and law enforcement operations.
$60.00 – $560.00BoxTactical grade ammunition produced for standard military and law enforcement operations.
6.5 CM
$155.00 – $1,510.00BoxTactical grade ammunition produced for standard military and law enforcement operations.
7.62 NATO
$146.00 – $1,420.00BoxTactical grade ammunition produced for standard military and law enforcement operations.
7.62 Short
$45.00 – $410.00BoxTactical grade ammunition produced for standard military and law enforcement operations.
$40.00 – $380.00BoxTactical grade ammunition produced for standard military and law enforcement operations.
12 ga
$128.00 – $1,220.00BoxSpecialized combat/home defense rounds that maximize shock & minimize non-tartget penetration.
300 BLK
$123.00 – $1,150.00BoxSpecialized combat/home defense rounds that maximize shock & minimize non-tartget penetration.
$84.00 – $800.00BoxSpecialized combat/home defense rounds that maximize shock & minimize non-tartget penetration.
6.5 CM
$188.00 – $1,800.00BoxSpecialized combat/home defense rounds that maximize shock & minimize non-tartget penetration.
7.62 NATO
$160.00 – $1,520.00BoxSpecialized combat/home defense rounds that maximize shock & minimize non-tartget penetration.
7.62 Short
$66.00 – $620.00BoxSpecialized combat/home defense rounds that maximize shock & minimize non-tartget penetration.
$78.00 – $740.00BoxSpecialized combat/home defense rounds that maximize shock & minimize non-tartget penetration.
12 ga
$135.00 – $1,270.00BoxRounds designed specifically for snipers/hunters who require elevated precision and energy distribution.
300 BLK
$148.00 – $1,400.00BoxRounds designed specifically for snipers/hunters who require elevated precision and energy distribution.
$125.00 – $1,170.00BoxRounds designed specifically for snipers/hunters who require elevated precision and energy distribution.
6.5 CM
$210.00 – $2,000.00BoxRounds designed specifically for snipers/hunters who require elevated precision and energy distribution.
7.62 NATO
$190.00 – $1,820.00BoxRounds designed specifically for snipers/hunters who require elevated precision and energy distribution.
7.62 Short
$77.00 – $690.00BoxRounds designed specifically for snipers/hunters who require elevated precision and energy distribution.
$126.00 – $1,180.00BoxRounds designed specifically for snipers/hunters who require elevated precision and energy distribution.